Community Benefits, Not Empty Promises, at Carousel Mall

The City of San Bernardino will soon decide the future of the former Carousel Mall site. They will decide between two proposals brought forward by out-of-town deep-pocketed developers. The City has a huge responsibility in ensuring that this public land is utilized for public good, not private profit! 


Don’t let developers dictate our future – ask your City Councilmember, what are you doing to guarantee good jobs, affordable housing, and environmental sustainability at the Carousel Mall site? WE NEED A COMMUNITY BENEFITS AGREEMENT, not empty promises


On January 27th, San Bernardino City Council will be hearing proposals from the developers. The final vote date is TBD. Submit a public comment before 4 PM – Jan. 27th, to make sure we are on the road to guaranteeing prosperity.


To view the live meeting on January 27th: 


Select the link to view the live-stream on the City’s website:


To provide public comments:


Email your written comment to by 4:00 p.m. the day of the scheduled meeting (The subject line of your email should be: Example: 01/27/2021 – Study Session – Agenda Item No. 1)




Call (909) 384-5208 and leave a recorded comment not to exceed three (3) minutes by 4:00 p.m. the day of the scheduled meeting.