Measure U is a DANGEROUS PROPOSAL to DEFUND FIRE PROTECTION services for residents in the communities served by the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.
Here’s why First Responders, Healthcare Professionals, Senior Citizens, and Community Leaders urge you to VOTE NO on Measure U:
- Measure U ELIMINATES $40 MILLION in funding for Emergency Medical and Fire Protection services. It cuts essential life-saving services — not budgetary fat.
- By REDUCING PARAMEDIC SERVICES, Measure U will WORSEN response times in life-threatening medical emergencies -putting our families at greater risk.
- By CUTTING FIREFIGHTING SERVICES, Measure U will force the County to close many local fire stations — reducing the ability of our First Responders to protect residents from deadly wildfires.
- Measure U WILL COST YOU MONEY by raising your Homeowner Insurance Premiums over $500 dollars a year. These INSURANCE RATE INCREASES will more than wipe out any savings received from eliminating the county fire service tax.
- Even worse, homeowners in mountain and desert communities — where Fire Stations will be forced to close — will have difficulty obtaining any fire insurance coverage at all.
Who’s really financing Measure U?
It was put on the ballot by a millionaire Florida resident named Eric Steinmann who owns numerous vacant parcels of land in San Bernardino County. Many of Steinmann’s properties contain cell phone towers that are a known cause of wildfires.
Steinmann is using Measure U as a scheme to avoid paying taxes on his properties by gambling with the lives of residents in the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.
Measure U is a FINANCIAL SCAM that will jeopardize your safety and increase the costs of protecting your home.
VOTE NO ON MEASURE U, this November!