Teamsters 1932 Forever Remembers Lives Lost on 12/2/15
The murder of 14 people on December 2, 2015, in San Bernardino, robbed our home communities of love. It was the love provided by and the love given by these human beings that makes their loss unforgettable, irreplaceable, and a guiding light for all of us at our darkest times.
Teamsters Local 1932 will forever remember their love.
Of those killed, three were a part of the Teamster family: Michael Wetzel, Harry Bowman, and Aurora Godoy. Six Teamsters were among the dozens injured.
Survivors of the murders are still dealing with issues in receiving financial and emotional relief for their injuries and trauma. Search San Bernardino Survivors Speak Out online for more. Teamsters Local 1932 stands with these survivors and their loved ones.